Publication Ethics
Summary for preliminary acceptance for review.
- Have you included the affirmation of no prior submission? This manuscript represents an original publication, has not been published elsewhere, and is not currently under review in any other journal.
- Only submissions in MS Document format will be considered.
- Ensure that all URL addresses in the text are active.
- Indicate whether your paper is a full research paper or a non-research paper.
- The text should be spaced at 1.5 between lines, using a 12-point font with underlining applied only where required in the final publication.
- Tables should be integrated into the manuscript at the intended location, accompanied by a table caption.
- Ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained for copyrighted material.
- In the email message, specify the novel aspects of your study.
- Provide your biographical data.
- Verify APA indexing.
- Avoid referencing papers published on
- Exclude references to journals identified as Predatory Journals.
- An Auto Confirmation is promptly sent upon receiving your submission.
- Check your Spam mail if you do not receive an Auto Response.
- Present a precise account of your research, including sufficient details and references to allow peers to replicate the work.
- Attribute credit to individuals who have contributed to or influenced your work.
- Obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, or extensive extracts from copyrighted sources.
- Obtain permission to cite personal communications.
- Exclude plagiarized, obscene, libelous, or defamatory material.
- Cite all pertinent references.
- Declare any conflicts of interest.
- Avoid submitting the same or similar articles to other journals.
- Disclose any relevant articles submitted or in press.
- Ensure co-authors review the manuscript before submission, and agree on the authorship order.
- Do not list individuals as co-authors unless they have made a significant contribution.
- Inform the journal editor before making significant changes to an accepted manuscript.
- Promptly notify the journal of any errors found after publication requiring a correction.
- Advise of any changes in email addresses promptly.
- Include the bio, affiliation, and email contact of all authors/co-authors.
- Avoid writing in all CAPITAL letters, use normal capitalization.
- Do not insert page numbers, headers, or footers