About the Journal
The Language Arts and Education Journal releases issues on January and July with all editions undergoing thorough peer review conducted by a team of experts in English Language Teaching and Language Arts from diverse global locations. Submissions written in various forms of world Englishes are openly welcomed by The Language Arts and Education Journal. The journal's reviewers and Associate Editors represent a broad spectrum of cultural and academic backgrounds, and there is no differentiation between native and non-native authors. The Language Arts and Education Journal adheres to the fundamental principle of not defining competence based on native proficiency. However, it is essential to note that the journal maintains strict review standards, and all reviewers anticipate a high level of academic and written proficiency, regardless of the English variety employed by the author.
Every attempt will be undertaken to embrace diverse rhetorical writing styles. The Language Arts and Education Journal is also dedicated to offering support to authors who are submitting to an international journal for the first time. While substantial revisions might be requested, every effort is exerted to provide authors with clear guidance on how to implement the necessary changes. The initial evaluation of each submission is carried out by the Senior reviewer, followed by further scrutiny by the Senior Associate Editor. Subsequently, papers may be assigned to an Associate Editor who oversees the editorial review. Authors receive notification of these outcomes via email. There are no specified word limits, although papers typically range up to 6,000 words. Authors should be aware that, due to the substantial monthly submission volume, it may take 2-4 weeks to complete preliminary reviews.
Authors who adhere to the specified criteria will receive a confirmation upon receipt, verifying the secure delivery of their paper. The Language Arts and Education Journal disseminates the latest data and research across numerous facets of English Language Teaching and Language Art. Priority consideration is given to papers that make reference to current research.
Summary for preliminary acceptance for review.
- Have you included the affirmation of no prior submission? This manuscript represents an original publication, has not been published elsewhere, and is not currently under review in any other journal.
- Only submissions in MS Document format will be considered.
- Ensure that all URL addresses in the text are active.
- Indicate whether your paper is a full research paper or a non-research paper.
- The text should be spaced at 1.5 between lines, using a 12-point font with underlining applied only where required in the final publication.
- Tables should be integrated into the manuscript at the intended location, accompanied by a table caption.
- Ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained for copyrighted material.
- In the email message, specify the novel aspects of your study.
- Provide your biographical data.
- Verify APA indexing.
- Avoid referencing papers published on Academia.edu.
- Exclude references to journals identified as Predatory Journals.
- An Auto Confirmation is promptly sent upon receiving your submission.
- Check your Spam mail if you do not receive an Auto Response.
- Present a precise account of your research, including sufficient details and references to allow peers to replicate the work.
- Attribute credit to individuals who have contributed to or influenced your work.
- Obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, or extensive extracts from copyrighted sources.
- Obtain permission to cite personal communications.
- Exclude plagiarized, obscene, libelous, or defamatory material.
- Cite all pertinent references.
- Declare any conflicts of interest.
- Avoid submitting the same or similar articles to other journals.
- Disclose any relevant articles submitted or in press.
- Ensure co-authors review the manuscript before submission, and agree on the authorship order.
- Do not list individuals as co-authors unless they have made a significant contribution.
- Inform the journal editor before making significant changes to an accepted manuscript.
- Promptly notify the journal of any errors found after publication requiring a correction.
- Advise of any changes in email addresses promptly.
- Include the bio, affiliation, and email contact of all authors/co-authors.
- Avoid writing in all CAPITAL letters, use normal capitalization.
- Do not insert page numbers, headers, or footers